Huge Galerie Update
We uploaded a lot of new Chester and Linkin Park Magazins Scans!
For more Scans ..just check out our Galerie here.
We uploaded a lot of new Chester and Linkin Park Magazins Scans!
For more Scans ..just check out our Galerie here.
This Site is Certified Bradorable.
If you want a Bradorable site just click on the Button and check it out.
Merry X-Mas to all of our Visitors.
We wanna thank you guys for reading our News watching our Videos and for writing nice comments in our shoutbox .=)
The new Layout and our first Galerie is our X-Mas present to all of you.
Hope you like it and if you have some Pics we can share just send them to
My Friend found a Video of Chester playing the Drums.
You can watch more Here.
Drum lesson with Chester and Elias part one
Drum lesson with chester and Elias part two
DBS is about to tour in Germany and London. Here are the Dates
19.02.10 London (HMV Forum)
Tickets will be on sale starting tomorrow here !
24.02.10 München (TonHalle)
25.02.10 Köln (E-Werk)
27.02.10 Berlin (Huxleys Neue Welt)
28.02.10 Hamburg (Docks)
You can buy your Tickets on this saturday or sunday here.
Sounds cool so far anyone going?? =)
We’re giving you a chance to meet Chester Bennington, and all you have to do is update your MySpace page. Simply copy and past the code below for the “Let Down” video and put it somewhere on your MySpace page. After you do it, send us a message on MySpace and at the end of the week, we’ll go through all of the messages and randomly choose someone to meet Chester at a future Dead By Sunrise or Linkin Park show!
Please note, this is not an official contest and we will choose someone for the meet and greet at random. The chosen person must contact us when Linkin Park or Dead By Sunrise are playing a show near them that they are attending, and will be responsible for purchasing their own ticket to the show and providing their own transportation to and from the show. We will select someone on Tuesday December 22nd, and notify them by replying to their MySpace message directly from the Dead by Sunrise MySpace account
Talinda posted 2 Pictures of Chester and Tyler on Twitter with this description:
A pic of Chester and Tyler from their photoshoot yesterday
Another amazing pic.....the book will be out around father's day!
Here are the videos from the KROQ Almost Acoustic X-Mas performens.
The Setlist:
01. Crawl Back In
02. Condemned
03. Fire
04. Let Down
05. Inside Of Me
06. My Suffering
07. 20 Eyes (Misfits cover)
source: dbsgermany
I think this is an awesome Project for Chesters Birthday.
So everyone who read this Spread The Word.
Our Birthday Projekt is back. All the information on how to participate is on the main site at CHESTER-BIRTHDAY.CO.NR please, check it out and spread the word. I made a couple of banners you could use to let other people know about it. It’s very important that you help me spread the word, since we need lots of poeple sending their present to make this present BIGGER than last year. I really appreciate your help, and I’m quite sure it’s going to rock.
Here are some Facts about the new IPod/Ipod Touch Game.
The game will be named "8-Bit Rebellion".
You can hear a Brand New LP Song if you complete The Game.
And Mike said that on the LPU Chat .
The game takes place in a world that used to be all "low resolution." 8-bit and lower. Then an evil corporation arrived, and they've brainwashed everyone to buy higher resolution. They are called PixxelKorp. A small rebellion has begun, to fight against PixxelKorp. You [the player] may be our only hope to combat the evil!
As you get through the game, It's laid out like an RPG style game, but it's got a strong social community aspect. You can talk to all your friends playing, and play together. You solve various missions to fight PixxelKorp. If you finish the whole 1st mission, you get something AWESOME. The iPhone game is going to be coming out in January, we believe. The secret at the end of the game is...another new song. "
Today, exactly 17 years ago was a Girl in Germany born.
But it was not some, it was Sandra :)
Without would probably see here only a error message.
And of course she is a wonderful person too :)
So i think she has this honor today deserves.
So i say.....
enjoy your day :)
Here are some pictures from the grammy nominations Concert yesterday. You can find more pictures at: Chester-land.
Source: Chester-land
Chester-Land has post a Interview where Chester talks about DBS.
Here can you watch it:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Thanks to Chester-Land
JoeyDC. send us this awesome Picture of Rob from Epicenter on 22. August at Pomona, California.
Thanks to JoeyDC for sending it to us =)
"You can win great prizes from DBS for all the great support that has been shown . Stay tuned onto the site InsideTheTourBus for more Information.
And here is a new Video of Chester.
Good Luck to everyone =)
I got these awesome Pictures of a French Radio Interview with Chester and can look up the Fanpage here. Thanks to Fanlinkinpark02 =).
Game Zone reports that Chester will play Halo 3: ODST with Xbox LIVE Gold Members in their Game With Fame. If you're a Gold Member log in Tuesday, December 1 starting at 8:00 P.M. ET for the event. Send a friend request to the following Gamertag * CBennington GwF and be online half an hour before (7:30 P.M. ET) the Game with Fame session starts
Source: DBS Fansite
This is the transcript of the Chat with Rob on 18.11.09
Darknessovrme: Folks just joining us WELCOME TO THE LPU chat. Wewill be chatting with Rob in a few moments so sit tight, we will be starting with numbers/symbols and letters A, B and C as soon as he is ready so have your question ready
rbourdon: What's up LPU, Rob here.
Rbourdon: Shoot away
Bec: do you find fansites creepy? ever googled yourself and found erotic fiction and gone eek! Or uber personal stuff and taken to hiding in a cupboard under the stairs?
Rbourdon: bec: I don't find fansites creepy, we have amazing fans. To be honest I don't spend a lot of time looking at anything about myself online, so it doesn't bother me.
Anstice: Hey Rob! Stupid question, but which guy in Linkin Park snores the loudest? :P By the way, it was awesome getting to hang out with you in June during the SocialVibe meet and greet. I really enjoyed being one of the first people to hear New Divide live! =)
rbourdon: Anstice: Not sure who snores the loudest, I haven't slept close enough to the guys to determine that, and I don't plan to.
colinlpu: Hi Rob! Would you ever consider experimenting with odd time signatures, and if it might be implemented in future albums to give them a more technical, progressive feel?
Rbourdon: colinlpu: We have experimented with different time signatures, we just haven't released anything that we thought was great...yet.
allUK3473 : How is the new album coming? What is the sound? Much like LP's old stuff or something completely new?
1rolphb: what is the name of the new cd and when does it come out?
rbourdon: We don't have a name for the new CD yet, and not sure when it will be out. Hopefully sometime within the first half of next year.
Ayinka: Hi Rob, its been awhile. I think we deserve a little info on the new album. I just want to know if you have an album title set and a possible name for your first single. Also are you guys going have projekt revolution 2010? love Ayinka Williams
rbourdon: New album is coming along great, we're exploring a lot of new territory musically, and we're very excited for you guys to hear it. It's hard to say exactly what it will sound like until we get a little further into the process.
cuzer: Are you going to release more of older songs like you did for LPU9? Much love from Poland ({)
rbourdon : Cuzer: Yes, if possible we'll release older songs like we will for LPU9. We have a lot of music in the LP vault and we'd like for people to hear it someday. Maybe LPU10...
adit: Have you and the band ever considered using stage effects during concerts, for example, pyro?
Rbourdon: We have used different stage effects before including pyro, but on the last tour we decided to scale the live show back to focus more on the performance, and less on the production.
B_Rox2LP_90: Hi Rob! I've seen on Mike's blog that you guys have already "completed" 5 songs for the new album. Can you go into more detail about the style of the songs so far?
rbourdon: B-Rox- We have 5 songs that are close to being finished. THey are definitely unique and don't sound like anything we have done before. It's hard to describe them, but you will hear them soon enough.
Dereklp: Hey Rob, I have more of a request than a question, but was just curious if maybe you and some of the other band members (not just Mike) could post on the forums more often, would really be cool! Thanks for your time man!
rbourdon: dereklp: I will pass your message along to the other guys, but I don't know that I can get them to blog as much as mike. He pretty much has us covered in keeping you guys up to date.
danielpsoad09: Hi Rob. This is Daniel from Chile! In which way will your drumming in the new album be different if you compare it with your previous work? i.e, are you using double pedals or more progressive rythms or anything else? Thanks
rbourdon: danielpsoad09: I'm currently working on a couple songs that are making me feel like i'm trying to crack a code to find the right drum part that will complete the song. The sounds are very unique and it's difficult to find a live drum part that compliments
rbourdon : the electronic sounds without taking away from what we've accomplished with those new sounds.
rbourdon: It's a really fun challenge. I think that my drumming is going to have to evolve to make this amazing.
eng42ine :Hey Rob, do you guys plan on ever releasing any older shows in a DSP format? Something like Mountain View 04 or something like that?
Hahninator : Do you think you could expand on the live DSP idea and possibly start selling older LP shows (2000-2006) online like other bands (Metallica, etc)?
rbourdon: Yes, we're planning to release any of the older shows that we have recorded. I'm not sure that we have recordings all the way back to 04, but we're going to release everything that we have available.
rbourdon:It's in the works, and we're hoping it happens really soon.
ipek:What do you think about getting a Twitter account? -Greetings from Turkey
rbourdon : ipek: I haven't tried twittering, and it's highly unlikely I will start. But you can check out phoenix's twitter page. Maybe I'll do some twittering via his account when I'm with him at the studio.
HybridLPFM: Glad to chat with you from Spain, Rob!! Here's my question: will be possible to hear live again "P5hng me aw*y", the Reanimation's version of Pushing me Away? Love the Live in Texas performance. Thanks for your time!!!
rbourdon :HybridLPFM: Yes it's possible that we might add Pushing Me Away Reanimation version back into the set, but it's really hard to tell at this point. I'm glad you like the song and I'll keep that in mind.
hAs:Hi Rob, thank you very much to be here. What do you think about the new Meet and greet ?
rbourdon :hAs: I like the new m/g, it gives us a chance to hang out and meet our fans vs the old version of having a lot of people move through very quickly.
General_itals: Hey Rob, im kinda hungry, hope ur not, but uh, are you guys planning on releasing any remix albums such as Reanimation or Collision course again?
rbourdon :No plans to release any remix albums right now, just focused on new music. But, it's always possible it could happen in the future.
LP_Chemist :Is your work in the studio always as idylic and funny as it looks like on the video? Or do you sometimes squabble like a bunch of old witches? And if you do, who's the most vocal defender of his opinion?
rbourdon :LP_Chemist: Working in the studio together has always been a collaborative effort. We tend to work in smaller groups, maybe 2-3 guys at a time. We have found that to be easier than working with all 6 of us together, although all of us meet once a week to listen through and give feedback. Toward the end of the process we spend a lot of time together perfecting all of the songs.
jennifercoon :Hi Rob. My question is if you could do a collaboration with anyone in the music business who would it be and why?
rbourdon :I thought it was really fun to collaborate with the composers on Transformers 2. I write film score material on my own for fun, and it was really cool to integrate our music into that score.
Fanlinkinpark02: hey Rob, would like to do a drum solo in a new song? or it's just for concert?
ladydeathseeker : Hi Rob^^ Last year at Projekt Revolution I thought you guys put on an amazing show that was my 2nd time seeing you guys and I have to say to way better than I expected so my question is are you gonna have more awesome solos if you guys do decide to tour?
rbourdon :I'm glad that you enjoyed my drum solos. I never actually planned on doing them, the other guys just forced me to. And I kind of learned how to do a drum solo as I did them live, which definitely puts me under a lot of pressure.
rbourdon : It's possible that there will be some more in the future, if the other guys force me to continue doing them.
linkingabo :Hey Rob! How do you feel now that "your song" the "Drum Song" is going to be released soon? ..btw is it much different from the album version? ...greetings from Slovakia )
rbourdon : I'm excited to hear the original version of Drum Song aka Little things Give You Away. I think you guys will find it interesting to see how a song evolves from the initial concept to the final recording.
linkinparc : rob, How much influence do you have on the lyrics? Have you ever written one line and if yes: which one? best, ana aka the greatest phoenix fan
rbourdon : Mike and Chester write all of the lyrics, but the 4 of us definitely contribute by giving them our feedback. According to Mike and Chester sometimes we have a little too much.
nkramar : Do you plan on celebrating the Hybrid Theory 10th anniversary in any special form? Maybe playing the whole CD live start to finish?
rbourdon :nkramar: Yes we've talked about doing something special for the 10th anniversary of Hybrid Theory, but not sure what exactly we will do yet. I can't believe it's been 10 years.
PinkyLouloulp: Hey Rob! Ok so Mike said in an interview that you don't like being in the spotlight and that it was hard to convince you to play a drum solo. How did it feel the first time you did? Just to ease your mind, you rock.
rbourdon : It was hard to convince me to play a drum solo- I refused- and they literally forced me to play it by not continuing to play the song until I did. I actually felt good playing the solo, and I have started to enjoy them the more I do them.
oojulezoo :hey rob my question is...How do you choose which setlist you will play for the show? Do you have a system for that or do you just pick a setlist you all agree on for the show?
rbourdon : oojulezoo: We have a few setlists, and we usually rotate them throughout the tour so that if fans want to come to more than one show that are fairly close together, they can see a different performance each night. Also within those setlists, we leave room to change things up each night.
PartTimeThinker : Hey Rob, we've noticed a trend on WB drummers recently since you donned the long hair & the beard look a while back, The Used & A7X's drummers have recently played homage to your hair styling choices, did you give them styling tips?
rbourdon : No I didn't give anybody styling tips, but somebody in my band has been asking me for styling tips!
raaaaphy : Are you guys ever going to play No Roads Left live? the whole LPU would appreciate that veeeery much!
rbourdon :raaphy: Not sure if we will play No Roads Left live, we did try it out and didn't love the way it came accross live.
Smarky : Hey Rob! Mike and Brad gave graduation speeches recently, from your expeiences that you have had, what would your advice be?
rbourdon :If I had to give any advice to musicians, the most important thing I could tell them is to spend a lot of time practicing and listening to as much music as possible. There's no substitute for hard work and practicing consistently.
rbourdon :I tried to find an easier road, and still haven't found one. Let me know if anyone figures it out.
rbourdon : A couple more questions, and then I have to run...
williamlp :Hey rob from greece! i wanted to know. will you be playing any other instruments in the new album like brad did on hands held high? By the way in four days its my birthday so chatting with you feels like a great early gift. Thanx
rbourdon : williamlp: Happy Birthday (in 4 days). If I play any other instrument, it would probably be the piano since that's the only other one I know how to play.
SergSlim: Hey Rob, do you remember if you ever performed these songs live - Carousel, And One (Full, not shortened), High Voltage (Original, HTEP, not the remix from OSC single), Part Of Me, or even maybe a Technique from HTEP?
rbourdon : I do remember performing Carousel, And One, High Voltage and Part of Me. I think we were called XERO when we called Carousel and Part of Me, and it was probably in a small club in LA or Arizona.
rbourdon : Thank you guys, it was fun chatting with you. Thank you for your continued support and feedback on the music we make. I'm excited for you to hear the new album, I hope that you love it as much as we love working on it. Catch up with you soon, hope to meet you guys at a show.
darknessovrme : thanks for joining us
*** rbourdon lost connection, left the room
Adam: Thanks everyone. Stay tuned for info on a Mike chat coming soon!
I have found this Video from Chester on Youtube.
The video was made for Peta and for more information watch this:
According to German Dead By Sunrise page the release from Let Down is on 11.12.2009.
Source: Dead By Sunrise Germany
And Dead By Sunrise will play at the KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas 2009 (December 12th). For more Information visit
So the Chat with Rob is done. It was pretty interessting what he told us. So we are trying to Post the Questions and Answers as soon as possible. =)
This is from the LPST.For more Infos just check your mails or
Check out the new Dead By Sunrise video for "Let Down" now on MySpace! We need you to start embedding the video everywhere! Post it on message boards, MySpace pages, blogs, and anywhere else you can! Every time you embed it, take a screen shot and email it to We'll randomly select a few people who submit screenshots to win a signed Dead By Sunrise poster! The more screenshots you submit, the better your chances are!
On Warner Music Taiwan you can read that Dead By Sunrise will be playing a Show in Taiwan next Year.Amir confirmed that they will also playing a concert in Tokio
Where:Taipei, Taiwan, The Huashan Culture Park
The show in Tokio:
When: 28.01.2010
Where: Tokyo, Japan, Shibuya-Ax
Sounds Cool..annyone going??
Source: DBSF, Warner Music Taiwan ,
On the LPU you can find a new LPUTV Episode. You can see rob playing the drums and he slaps some Ballons away. Its sounds really good and its very watch it here.
we will post the Video later.
Vote for Linkin Park on Fuse's best of 2009.
You can vote more than one time.
Lets help Linkin Park winning this.
Click on the Pic to Vote.
Sooo good luck to Linkin Park =D
On 20.11.09 will release a boxed set from Dead Sunrise´s album Out of Ashes.
More information is unfortunately not yet known.
Source: Warner Germany
I found this Video on youtube at Deadbysunrsievideos youtube Channel.
You can see Dead By Sunrise on a Meet and Greet at Club Tattoo after the show in Las Vegas on 10.05.2008.
Congrats to Linkin Park for winning the award for "Best World Stage Performance"at the 2009 MTV European Music Awards.
Coldplay, Kid Rock, Kings of Leon and Lady Gaga were also nominated for the Award. postet a Link to the new Video of Dead By Sunrise.
I think the Video is really cool because Talinda is in the Video too =)
What do you think about the Video?? Tell us =)
To watch the Video click here.
Chester will be joining SLASH & Friends on Sunday, November 22nd at the Avalon in Hollywood, CA for a concert benefiting the LA Youth Network supporting homeless youth in Los Angeles, CA.
The Show includes:Slash, Chester Bennington, Ozzy Osbourne, Perry Farrell, Travis Barker, Billy Idol, Andrew Stockdale of Wolfmother, Dave Navarro and more.
If youre 21+ click here to buy Tickets.
Sounds cool. Anyone going??
Source: LPA DBS Myspace
Here are some pics from the KROQ Halloween Show,
thanks to Fanlinkinpark02 for the pictures.
On MTVU you can find the video from "Crawl Back In" at the MTV Ulalume Festival.
If you want to watch it, check this out:
Here are some Scans of the Inked Magazin.
Thanks to JoeyDC for the Scans.=)
DSead By Sunrise will be playing a Concert in Paris on November 20th at the Tony Hawk Show 2009.
The Concert starts at 22:30 till 23:30 .
Where? Grand Palais à Paris
Ticket Price: 40 Euros
Thanks to Dead By for the Information.
For all LPU members:
Rob will be chatting with LPU members on Wednesday, November 18th at 4pm.
Source: lpunderground(twitter)
Linkin Park’s video for "New Divide" has been nominated for Fuse's Best Video of 2009! Vote for "New Divide" here.
Read more...Dead By Sunrise have a show on the KROQ Halloween Party.
Check this site out for more information.
Source:Twitter (Amir Derakh),KROQ
I found This 2 Videos on Youtube.
In the first Video you can see Dead By Sunrise is playing 20 Eyes (misfits Cover) Live in New York City.
The second one you can see Kerrang Podcast with Dead By Sunrise
You can find more Videos here.
Source: Dead By Sunrise Videos
Check out the new DBS video "First Full Live Show 2009".
Linkin Park is nominated for a People's Choice Award as Favorite Rock Band.The top five will become the official nominees for the category.
The list of nominees will be finalized on November 10th.
lpunderground posted that at Twitter.
You can Vote here.
Good Luck to LP.=)
Source: LPUs Twitter , DBS Fansite
Germany #5
Switzerland #18
Austria #11
and the digital Charts #2
By the Way the single and the video from "Let Down" will be published soon, because tomorrow you can hear "Let Down" on every radio station.
Source: Linkin Park Revolution
I Found a Video on Sunrise On Fire were Chester and Ryan have to answer a few questions. I think The Video is cool.Thanks for SoF for Posting this.
Source: Sunrise On Fire
I found this on the LPU.
As you know, Music for Relief is raising funds following recent typhoons, earthquakes, and tsunamis in Southeast Asia & the Pacific Islands. Check out our auction including a guitar signed by Linkin Park and a piece of the video set from the Transformer's New Divide video shoot, VIP tickets to the Voodoo Festival in New Orleans and more.
Place your bid to win...
- Guitar and a piece of the Transformers New Divide music video set singed by Linkin Park!
- Xbox 360 signed by Less Than Jake, Chiodos, Underoath, Anti-flag
- Skate deck and headphones by Skull candy signed by 3Oh!3
- Equipment used by + a rare signed lithograph autographed by Incubus
- VIP Ticket Package for the Voodoo Festival in New Orleans
- Guitar and Lithograph Autographed by Staind
- Anaheim Ducks Hockey Memorabilia
- Revolution Unseen: The Hidden Art of Projekt Revolution Art Book featuring art from Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance and more - signed by all the artists
- Skate Deck by West 49 Redstar signed by All Time Low
- Skate Deck by Concrete Wave Soul Board signed by Bad Religion
We working at a Galerie for our Site...i hope we finish it fast. If you have Pictures we can use for the Galerie send us a mail at You can put your Copyright on it.=)
Read more...I found this Information at the LPU.
Lucky for those who can go =)..
If you're in the LA area, you can see Dead By Sunrise perform on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Wednesday, October 21 for FREE
I foun some Information for the DBS Listenin Parties in the UK on LPU you can read it here .
There will be a number of Dead By Sunrise listening parties throughout the UK this weekend! Fans will be able to listen to the album, and also have the chance to win some DBS shirts! Times and locations are below:
Friday, Oct 16 - Sheffield, Drop @ The Corporation (from 9.30pm)
Saturday, Oct 17 - Newcastle, Legends (from 9.00pm)
Saturday, Oct 17 - London, Chinese Karaoke Bar St Moritz (from 10.00pm)
Saturday, Oct 17 - Birmingham, The Academy (from 9.30pm)
Saturday, Oct 17 - Nottingham, Rock City (from 9.00pm)
Saturday, Oct 17 - Manchester, Jilly's (from 9.00pm)
Saturday, Oct 17 - Liverpool, Krazy House (from 9.00pm)
Saturday, Oct 17 - Glasgow, The Cathouse (from 10.30pm)
Saturday, Oct 17 - Glasgow, Voodoo @ The Cathouse (from 5.00pm) - Under 18’s
The DBS Setlist for the Concert at The New York Gramercy Theater 14th October 2009.
I foun the Setlist on the Dead By Sunrise Fansite.
01. Crawl Back In
02. Condemned
03. The Morning After
04. Fire
05. Let Down
06. Walking In Circles
07. Too Late
08. The End Of The World
09. My Suffering
10. Inside Of Me
11. 20 Eyes (The Misfits cover)
Dead By Sunrise is on the Cover of the Magazine Sonic Seducer.
We got a new Fanart Picture from LaurafeatChaz.
What do you think about it ??
Thank you =)
I found a great Fanart Video for our site on youtbe.=)
Thank you LauraFeatChaz for this cool Video =).
Amir postet this Video at Twitter.
This Video is from David Lettermans show 13.10.2009.
I found a cool Video here.
This Vid is Linkin Park before they called Linkin Park.=D
Jammin' with Hybrid Theory
I have found this Interview with Chester from theaquarian
Here is a abridgment from the text:
The record was written over a long period of time, because when we started the record it was late 2005 or mid-2005, so I started writing it then and we worked till end of the year. Then I started working on Minutes To Midnight. So I took the next three years off basically from working on the record [Out Of Ashes]. After that, I started picking it back up again after we finished touring for Minutes To Midnight.
Check out the new LPTV episode "Chester Wraps Vocals".
Click here
Hey i got a mail today from Jani with the Link of this Video.
Its an Interview with Dead By Sunrsie on BBC Radio 1.
You can hear the other Parts on Janis Youtube Channel here.
Thanks for that Information =)
Yesterday Dead By Sunrise played "Crawl Back In" live for the Stock Car Crash Challenge in the Schalker Veltins-Arena, Germany.
Check this out!
Update: we found another Video...Dead By Sunrise before Crawl Back In.
This is a Video from KROQ Interview with Dead By Sunrise.
Its a funny Video but it contains strong language.
Fort those wo didn't get a Ticket to the Dead By Sunrise Concert in Hamburg you can win 1 card if youre one of the first 50 Persons.The Doors will be open at 7.30 pm. The adress is this Gruenspan
Grosse Freiheit 58
22769 Hamburg
good luck.
Source: Dead By Sunrise MySpace Blog
Our Friend Nadine found an Interview with Chester on 1live. The interview is in German so we hope that some of you understand that.You can read the full Interview here.
Another Interview with Chester.
The Interview has great questions and answers.
You can read the full interview here.
"I wrote [Inside Of Me] specifically about being away from my family and my wife, and how I really don't like that. I get into a very dark place. I'd battled relapse at that point. I'd been away from her for so long that I was like, "I'm not doing well—I want to drink or do something." That's the kind of thought process that my brain goes into—well, it's bad, let's make it worse. That's not cool, you know? That song is exactly about that. "Fire" is the only song where I didn't go directly to something with me, but after I wrote it, it actually related to me. In a lot of ways, that song is about doing some soul searching and trying to feel that greater power out there in the universe—knowing you're connected to that. Some people feel like it's a sad song about losing somebody and having them look down on you. You always imagine, after someone passes, that they're up there looking down at you and watching over you—that brings comfort to people as well. In that way, I think that song does connect in many different facets. Every song on this record is about a specific thing that happened to me—that I dealt with over the past four or five years."
luvnlp postet a Link at Twitter today.
This Video is an interview on Myspace with Dead By Sunrise.
The Interview with DBS starts at 00.40 minutes.
Have Fun =)
The MySpace Music Feed: Dead By Sunrise and Lights
Ultimate Guitar had a great Interview with Chester.
You can read the full interview here.
"The longer Linkin Park is around, the more difficult it is to find a place that we fit in best. Are we a pop band? Are we an alternative rock group? Are we a modern rock act? Are we a metal group? Or are we something else? Nobody knows what the hell is going on with us anymore, and I think that’s something that will propel us into being a better band in the future. I think it sets us apart.
I do believe this record is definitely going to help make that more difficult for people to understand. In terms of how it sounds, we’ve got 40 songs. A handful of them are amazing. A dozen or so are really good, and the rest could have potential. The ones that are pretty amazing and the ones that everyone is pretty much like, “As long as the lyrics are great, the song is a masterpiece” – they are really **** good."
I found this small Article on
You can listen to "Let Down" from Dead By Sunrise's upcoming album Out Of Ashes now on
And you can pre-order Out Of Ashes on iTunes now before it's released on October 13th.
Check out this behind the scenes video from a Dead By Sunrise photo shoot for the new album:
Dead By Sunrise Photo Shoot
Rob Picture!!
Someone posted a link to a Picture of Rob in the Shoutbox.This is it =)..
Thanks to the guy =)
Interview with Chester !!
And Sunrise on Fire postet a new Interview with chester.
First Dead By Sunrise Webstore!!
The First Dead By Sunrise Merchandies webstore opened.=)
you can Pre-order Out of Ashes, along with a limited-edition, exclusive T-shirt, this is not available anywhere else.
I found this Information at the LPU.
Source: Sunrise on Fire ,LPU, robert downs photography
I found this on the LPU:
We will be hooking up 25 LPU members with 2 tickets to the Dead By Sunrise show at Grünspan in Hamburg, Germany on October 7th! The first 25 people to RSVP to the event by going HERE and clicking on "GOING" will receive a pair of tickets to the show! Please note, tickets to the show are NOT available for purchase.
Warner has a new contract with Youtube for several years. You can upload videos and songs from bands who have a contrac with warner now. So everybody can upload Linkin Park videos again=).So have Fun to watch and upload some LP stuff .
Remember: Dead By Sunrise will play an exclusive Concert in Hamburg. you can't buy the cards..only win them here.
On DBS Facebook side you can see that their song "Fire" will be used in an upcoming episode of CBS's show 'Three Rivers'. You can see the show this Sunday October 4th, and 9pm/8pm central time.
You can now download the Songs from the Linkin Park Concert at
These Concert are avalible now.
Athens GR July 21 2009
Graz AT July 23 2009
Zurich CH July 28 2009
Stuttgart DE July 30 2009
Graefenhainichen DE August 02 2009
Chiba City JP August 08 2009
Don't forget to vote for LP at the emas. The 2009 MTV Europe Music Awards airs Thursday, November 5th at 9 PM on MTV.
LP is nominated for
Best World Stage Performance:
Kid Rock
Kings of Leon
Lady Gaga
Linkin Park
Best Rock:
Foo Fighters
Green Day
Kings of Leon
Linkin Park
Help LP to win both awards. Vote here
I found 2 more Rob Pictures yesterday.Hope you guys like the pics =)