2. September 2010

Laut.de Interviews Mike and Rob

If you thought you've seen the last of the ATS related interviews, think again! German website Laut.de just posted a particularly long one with Mike and Rob where they discuss various aspects of the album in-depth with an interviewer who misses their old sound. A great exchange between the band and the interviewer. Read the translation below.

27 hours 20 minutes flight time for the interview. Sometimes it is better to not calculate whether the effort is worthwhile for a specific action at all. But when you get the offer to interview Linkin Park, it's something you don't consider for long.

Some decisions just got easier to make and even though the chaos of this trip is relatively high, it's been almost smooth at the stage. So I'm sitting on a Wednesday afternoon in July at 14:00 (local time) in a hotel suite and get the chance to listen to six of the new songs from "A Thousand Suns".

Only the single "The Catalyst" has already been mastered, three more have not even a track title. But it quickly becomes clear that the new album will make for some surprises - and certainly also for some fans disappointment. For what matters, the inclusion of rock guitar is definitely not too much of a factor going by these numbers.

After two passes, I am finally invited to the next suite, where already seated are drummer Rob Bourdon & Mike Shinoda on the table and have just finished their lunch. Both seem in good spirits, Mike seems very interested and very polite. Soon comes into a good conversation, and in the end the journey has been worthwhile.

Continue Reading...

thanks to LPA and Laut.De

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