14. Mai 2010


From mikeshinoda.com
Saw Get Busy Committee at The Viper Room last night. Amazing! Here are some clips:

Young De played right before GBC–I had met him thru Cypress Hill and GBC a few times, but I had never seen him on stage. He’s got a lot of charisma up there. Good short set.

GBC opened with My Little Razorblade. The room was small but packed with excitement–lots of energy in the room.

They played a new song. I think it was called “Boys Have A Penis, Girls Have A Vagina.” I got too close to the speakers and my phone didn’t pick up the song. Oops.

All in all, it was a great time. BTW, I saw some people filming there…if you’ve got footage of the show, tweet GBC to let them know–they might want to talk to you about using it.

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