2. März 2010

March Madness 2010!

From LPUnderground:

March Madness 2010!
March 1, 2010

Those of you who were LPU members last year might remember March Madness. Basically we did 3 giveaways each week on all of our social networking pages: MySpace Monday, Twitter Tuesday, Facebook Friday. It was such a success that we wanted to do it again this year, and even change it up a bit! Rather than doing giveaways on the same pages every week, we're going to change it up from week to week, and you won't know WHEN or WHERE the giveaways will be! We might do one in the chat room one day, on the LPU MySpace another day, or maybe on a page that isn't even an LPU page! We'll give you hints through the LPU pages! We have a stock pile of REALLY great prizes this year we'll be giving out throughout the month, so this is something you definitely don't want to miss!

To kick off March Madness, we thought we'd do something simple and keep it here. Since the LP Archives: Official Tour Bootlegs will be released soon (like, REALLY soon), we want to know how many times you've seen LP and where! Leave a reply on this post with a list of all of the LP shows you've been to. If you haven't seen LP, say that you haven't seen them YET. Everyone who leaves a reply will be eligible for the giveaway. International members can also participate! Tomorrow, we'll go through and randomly choose someone to receive a Linkin Park shirt that is straight from Mike's personal collection!

LET THE MADNESS BEGIN! Stay tuned for more info on LP Archives: Official Tour Bootlegs!

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